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About Bitget

Bitget.com is a leading crypto exchange and Web3 company that allows users to buy, sell, hold, and earn cryptocurrencies. It supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, and over 500 altcoins. The platform offers various features such as futures trading, spot trading, copy trading, and grid trading. Users can also earn passive income through Bitget Earn, which provides up to 20% APR on flexible savings products. The platform emphasizes security with its Bitget Protection Fund, maintaining an emergency insurance reserve of $300 million. Bitget aims to help users trade smarter by connecting them with elite traders and offering a wide range of trading strategies.

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Bitget Customer Reviews (5)

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Shawn Brown
Shawn Brown
verifyVerified Buyer

Jul 28, 2024
Bernd Eichel
Bernd Eichel
verifyVerified Buyer

Jul 27, 2024
Anderson Hawkins
Anderson Hawkins
verifyVerified Buyer

Jul 27, 2024
Annett Reiniger
Annett Reiniger
verifyVerified Buyer

Jul 26, 2024
Hayden Ford
Hayden Ford
verifyVerified Buyer

Jul 24, 2024

Bitget Customer’s Q&A

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Bitget Features and Benefits

Bitget.com offers several key features and benefits:

  1. Wide Range of Cryptocurrencies: Supports over 500 cryptocurrencies and 500 trading pairs.
  2. Futures Trading: Allows trading with leverage up to 125x.
  3. Spot Trading: Facilitates easy buying and selling of cryptocurrencies.
  4. Copy Trading: Enables users to copy the trades of experienced traders.
  5. Grid Trading: Automates trading strategies to maximize profits.
  6. Bitget Earn: Provides opportunities to earn passive income with up to 20% APR.
  7. Security: Emphasizes security with the Bitget Protection Fund and $300 million in emergency insurance.
  8. User-Friendly Interface: Offers a seamless trading experience with an intuitive interface.
  9. Mobile App: Available for both iOS and Android devices.
  10. Global Compliance: Operates in over 100 countries with a strong focus on compliance.

These features make Bitget a versatile and secure platform for both new and experienced traders.

Bitget Pricing

Bitget.com offers a transparent fee structure for crypto trading. For spot trading, both maker and taker fees are set at 0.1% per trade. However, users paying with BGB tokens can enjoy a 20% discount, reducing the fee to 0.08%.

For futures trading, the fees are 0.02% for makers and 0.06% for takers. There are no fees for crypto deposits on Bitget, and withdrawal fees are adjusted based on market conditions.

Fiat deposits and purchases made with credit or debit cards also incur zero fees.

For more detailed information, users can refer to Bitget's fee schedule page.

Payment Method

Bitget.com supports multiple payment methods for buying and selling cryptocurrencies. Users can utilize VISA, Mastercard, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and other methods. The platform also collaborates with third-party service providers like Mercuryo, Xanpool, and Banxa. For P2P trading, users can add new payment methods by selecting their preferred fiat currency and entering the necessary payment details. Bitget ensures that the payment method matches the user's KYC information for security purposes.

Bitget FAQs


Bitget Alternatives

Top 10 Bitget.com alternatives:

  1. Gate.io - Known for its cold wallet storage and extensive range of cryptocurrencies.
  2. Zengo Wallet - Offers bulletproof security and a user-friendly interface.
  3. Binance - The largest global cryptocurrency exchange with a wide array of features.
  4. Coinbase Exchange - Popular for its ease of use and reliability.
  5. Uphold - Supports multiple assets including cryptocurrencies, precious metals, and fiat currencies.
  6. Primexbt - Known for its high leverage trading and diverse asset offerings.
  7. OKX - Offers a comprehensive suite of trading tools and services.
  8. Coindcx - Provides a secure and user-friendly platform for trading cryptocurrencies.
  9. MEXC - Features high leverage and a large selection of altcoins.
  10. ApeX Pro - A decentralized exchange with low trading fees and no KYC requirements.

Bitget Return Policy?

Bitget provides a Coin Refund Service for deposits made with unlisted coins or through unsupported networks/chains. To request a refund, users need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Bitget Deposit Platform and click on Deposit Not Credited, Request Refund.

  2. Choose The Coin Or The Network Is Not Supported By Bitget and click Apply.

  3. Fill in the form with the following details:

    • Select the coin deposited. If not listed, enter the coin name in the search bar.
    • Enter the exact deposit amount (up to eight decimals).
    • Select the deposit network/chain.
    • Enter the withdrawal address (often known as the "From" address).
    • Enter the Bitget deposit address (often known as the "To" or "Receiver" address).
    • Enter the TXID.
    • Provide a brief explanation of the issue.
  4. Click Submit. The request will be assigned to the relevant department and may take up to 5 working days for processing.

Important notes:

  • Bitget does not guarantee refunds for all types of coins from unsupported networks/chains or unlisted coins.
  • The refund service is offered as a gesture of goodwill to help users recover financial losses.
  • Users are urged to provide all necessary information to expedite the request.

For more details, visit the Bitget support page.


How To Open A Bitget Account?

To open an account on Bitget.com, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Bitget website or download the Bitget app.
  2. Click on the "Register" button.
  3. Choose to register using either an email address or a phone number.
  4. For email registration:
    • Enter the email address.
    • Create and confirm a password.
    • Agree to the Terms of Use.
    • Complete the email verification by entering the code sent to the email.
  5. For phone registration:
    • Enter the country code and phone number.
    • Create and confirm a password.
    • Agree to the Terms of Use.
    • Complete the SMS verification by entering the code sent to the phone.
  6. Complete the captcha verification.
  7. Optionally, enter a referral code if invited by a friend or KOL.

Once these steps are completed, the account will be successfully created.

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